We are launching a completely new remote control

Today we are launching GEWA Maxi, which is a large and robust remote control that controls TV and sound systems, and switches lamps on and off, and opens and closes doors.

We have created GEWA Maxi so that people with physical or cognitive impairments can easily control their environment. GEWA Maxi has 16 large buttons, with images that clearly symbolizes what the button controls. The buttons are lowered, which prevents unwanted choices. When pressing the buttons, it gives a confirmation of sound, light and vibration. It is possible to select activation delay, which means that the buttons must be pressed for a selected amount of time before the button is activated. This feature is especially appreciated by people with all types of shaking, e.g. Parkinson's disease.

Traditional remote controls can be difficult to understand, and sometimes more than one remote control is required to watch TV, e.g. if you have a cable box linked to the TV. GEWA Maxi allows the user to program it so that one single button can be used for multiple functions.

GEWA Maxi gives the user a sense of independence at home and will reduce the need for help from family members.

Read more about GEWA Maxi